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Color Guard


 = 150+ total minutes


=115-149 total minutes

=75-114 total minutes

=55-74 total minutes

=No practice log submitted

Practice Logs are due SUNDAY before mid-night each week.

  • For an “A+” you must SPREAD YOUR PRACTICE time over a MINIMUM of FIVE DAYS. 

  • This means it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to leave your equipment untouched for three consecutive days and get an "A"

  • Student must indicate total minutes spent practicing each day.  

  • Each week MUST have a stated goal with three action steps identified that the student will implement all week

  • Students MUST film a time lapse of 1 practice and upload it to this form to get credit.

  • At the conclusion of each MONTH you will be asked to reflect on your planned goals and ability to achieve them.   You can discuss modifications or enhancements to your plan.

  • False reporting of rehearsal times will result in a zero and possibly invalidating previous submission.




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It is imperative that you practice for the A+ EACH WEEK. 
You are expected to enter accurate times and be honest each week. 

Remember, a 90% may be an A in any other class, but a 90% in

Guard, is actually average. 

To get to your BEST you need to train as if you will be your BEST!  


** By signing below, the student completing this PRACTICE LOG certifies that all practice times indicated above are ACCURATE. 


"Do or do not, there is no try"

                                                    Master Yoda

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