The STONEMAN DOUGLAS COLOR GUARDS are known throughout the pageantry world as being one of the most dynamic units in the activity. Supporting two or three winter guards in addition to the fall guard which supports the marching band. The winter guards

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The STONEMAN DOUGLAS COLOR GUARDS are known throughout the pageantry world as being one of the most dynamic units in the activity. Supporting two or three winter guards in addition to the fall guard which supports the marching band. The winter guards have numerous state titles while the World Guard is a consistent Winter Guard International World Class Finalist!
In addition to ensemble success, members of the Stoneman Douglas Band distinguish themselves through individual efforts resulting in the highest representation in the Broward All-County Band, and one of the highest representations in All-State. Students also participate extensively in Solo and Ensemble MPAs as well as the Florida Youth Orchestra and other Honor Band activities including the FSU Tri-State Festival, USF Festival of Winds, and the UM Frost Honor Band Festival.