25 October 2020
Eagle Regiment Family,
Good afternoon and I hope you are enjoying the weekend!
There will be a MANDATORY Zoom Meeting ALL Students, this Tuesday, October 27th, at 4:00 PM. This meeting is for the entire program (Jazz, Perc., Guard, Band, and Marching Band) as we will be kicking off the cheescake fundraiser. This meeting should last no more than an hour and a ZOOM invite will be posted on all Band App Pages.
"In Person" Marching Band will begin this Wednesday, October 28th from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM!! Students should begin to arrive at MSD between 3:30 PM and 3:45 PM, and they will be ready for pick by 6:15 PM. All students must have (2) Masks, their equipment, and the Pre-participation Evaluation form on file for Wednesday's rehearsal. Students are reminded to fill out the pre-questionaire prior to checking in at MSD for In Person MB. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=y7Ws7nBTWEOpaqN4PJXUItrRACln6F5Ii7NkTwBB2VlUQ1JVQlZPRlRCMFBUV1JSTElDWURYOFdKOC4u
For the students NOT participating in the "In Person MB," they should plan to log on via Zoom for Wednesday's Rehearsal from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM.
Wishing everyone a Great Week and looking forward to seeing the majority of you on Wednesday!
This Week's SCHEDULE:
Monday, 10/26/20, Burgundy Day
Tuesday, 10/27/20, Silver Day
*4:00 PM - Cheesecake Fundraiser ZOOM Mtg for ALL students
Wednesday, 10/28/20, Burgundy Day
Wednesday, 10/28/20, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Marching Band ZOOM Rehearsal AND "IN-PERSON" MARCHING BAND REHEARSAL at MSD.
Students should arrive with (2) Masks and wear the prescribed practice clothes and have their Instrument/Equipment, Flip Folder, Music Lyre, Music, Water, Sunscreen. (A Detailed list will be re-posted on the BAND app)
Thursday, 10/29/20, Silver Day
Friday, 10/30/20, Burgundy Day
-Practice T-Shirts: If you were not able to pick up your Practice T-Shirt at Pops-n-Pies, Miss Wendy will have them ready for you when you arrive at MSD on Wednesday.
-Regiment Shop: Please visit the Regiment Shop at www.Eagleregiment.com. If you place and pay for an order, Miss Wendy will have your items ready this Wednesday for pick up.
-All Marching Band members must be current with past and present fees (this includes this year’s spot deposit and payment #1).